Let Kids be Kids
The IFPMA Influenza Vaccine Supply (IVS) Task Force joins forces with the World Medical Association (WMA) to raise awareness of the importance of flu vaccination among healthcare workers and school children.
Across the world around a quarter of children catch the flu each year. Kids are vulnerable because of their lack of prior immunity and more frequent exposure to the virus. Twice as many children get the flu as compared to the adults in a household. It is recommended that healthcare professionals and family members get a shot as well, in order to make sure they are not the source of children’s infection!

Influenza causes between 250,000 and 500,000 deaths worldwide each year. And the risk of a severe, prolonged illness – and even death – is highest among the people with weakened immune systems: the elderly, young children, patients with underlying medical conditions, and pregnant women.
To address the paradox of preventing an easily preventable disease, we are supporting WMA to raise awareness of the importance of getting the influenza vaccination each year.
It’s critically important that healthcare professionals protect their patients against influenza. And the most effective and efficient way of preventing outbreaks is through their own immunization. Getting an annual flu shot can reduce influenza infections between healthcare professionals and their colleagues by 88% and reduce mortality among patients by a very significant 50%.
Kids are more vulnerable than adults. Their immune systems are more delicate, yet more likely to be exposed to viruses. The best way to prevent them from catching the flu is to get them immunized. Furthermore, vaccinating children has an additional benefit of indirectly protecting their households and communities. Routine influenza vaccination of children 6-23 months old at low risk is projected to avert 108 influenza events per 1000. Healthcare professionals are essential for parents to help them make good choices about their children’s health and well-being.
For further information, please visit Let Kids be Kids Campaign and WMA webpage dedicated to Influenza Immunization Campaigns.

Your flu shot does more than simply protect you from influenza; it stops you from spreading the virus to the children around you and their family members, the elderly, colleagues, and friends.
Flu attacks up to 1 in 10 adults
each year
250,000 to 500,000 deaths
are attributable to flu annually
25,000 lives are saved
each year thanks to flu vaccinations