COVID-19 is a human, social, and economic tragedy that, as of September 2020, has cost more than a million lives globally and is estimated to contract global GDP by $US 7 trillion in 2020.
Since the early days of this pandemic, the R&D-based biopharmaceutical industry has responded through many initiatives aimed at providing and prioritizing delivery of critical products to tackle COVID-19, motivated by a strong sense of responsibility to act together, in partnership with WHO and governments, to support health systems across the world in a concerted and collective response. In this spirit, IFPMA is proud to be a founding member of the ACT-A Accelerator.
The R&D-based biopharmaceutical industry firmly believes that a coordinated, inclusive, and multi-stakeholder action is necessary to mitigate the impact of this unprecedented global health emergency, ensuring that no one is left behind. The private sector has an essential role to play in combating this public health crisis through its expertise, innovation, and resources. In the endeavour of finding effective and safe treatments and vaccines at record speed, the private R&D business model, enabled by strong and effective intellectual property incentives, has significantly contributed to the discovery and development of treatments that are currently being tested.
IFPMA member companies are deeply aware that science and innovation are a key part of the equation but not the entire solution. We remain committed to the principle of equitable and affordable access to COVID-19-related health products and call upon governments to do their part in ensuring adequate resources are appropriately allocated to build resilient, and sustainable healthcare systems. Investing in health is critical to ensuring growth and prosperity. With COVID-19 having exposed major weaknesses in pandemic preparedness, we welcome the WHO’s decision to conduct an independent evaluation of the global COVID-19 response to identify lessons learned.