WHO Executive Board, 132nd session IFPMA statement under agenda item 9.2

Published on: 25 January 2013

WHO Executive Board, 132nd session

IFPMA Statement under agenda item 9.2 “Neglected Tropical Diseases”

Delivered by Mario Ottiglio, Director, Public Affairs & Global Health Policy

Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to this important discussion today. IFPMA represents leading research-based pharmaceutical companies as well as national and regional industry associations across the world

Mr Chairman, IFPMA highly commends the WHO Secretariat for its efforts and leadership to generate important momentum on neglected tropical diseases. WHO’s continued leadership is fundamental if we want to win the fight against these diseases and improve the lives of people around the world.

Our industry is actively engaged in the fight against neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) by researching and developing medicines for these diseases and increasing access to treatments through medicine donation programs – several of which date back to decades. One year ago, in the framework of the London Declaration, we announced a major commitment to donate 14 billion treatments  by 2020 to control or eliminate nine major NTDs responsible for the 90% of the overall burden.

Our industry is today on track with the commitments made last year. In the case of  schistosomiasis, actual donations made are double the commitment made in past years. According to the recent WHO report on NTDs, increased donations have sped WHO’s ability to delivery of medicines to people in need.

Looking at the big picture, our industry takes a holistic approach to neglected diseases.  In addition to donations, we partner with other stakeholders to strengthen health system capacity and to conduct further research and development to meet unmet needs.

An IFPMA report released last week brings good news. A major increase in pharmaceutical R&D for neglected diseases has occurred, with a 40% increase in the number of R&D programs led by our member companies. This brings total R&D projects for neglected diseases to 132, eighty-five percent of which are carried out in Product Development Partnerships.

Addressing NTDs requires commitment of everyone. Medicine donations and further R&D will contribute much but are not sufficient alone. Improving sanitation, increasing access to safe water, capacity-building and education efforts to reduce disease burden, and investing to reinforce weak and fragmented health systems are all challenges that should be met through engagement of all health stakeholder, particularly governments.

Colleagues, rest assured that we have been engaged on addressing NTDs for a long time and we stand ready to offer our continued support as a partner to see the end of these dreaded diseases.

Thank you.

Check against Delivery (25 January 2013) 
