WHO WHA 70 item 12.5 Review of the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework

Published on: 25 May 2017

Delivered by Paula Barbosa, Manager, Vaccines Policy

IFPMA reiterate our support for the aim of the WHO PIP Framework to improve pandemic influenza preparedness and response. We welcome the progress made since the establishment of this Framework and remain committed partners in this initiative.

While we continue to support the PIP Framework, we believe there are opportunities to strengthen its operations and continued successful execution. We welcome the upcoming external audit of the activities of the PIP Framework, which will allow to measure progress and impact on actual improved preparedness, while supporting the system’s transparency and providing added incentives to contribute to the PIP Framework. We encourage continued consultation among all stakeholders on the overall PIP process and appropriate use of funds, with the aim to ensure the best impact and sustainability of pandemic preparedness efforts.

We also believe the PIP Framework should remain focused on pandemic influenza and that the scope should not be expanded to include seasonal influenza. The Framework was originally developed in the global health emergency context, which is different from the nature of seasonal influenza programs. Lessening the focus on pandemic preparedness might result in decreased preparedness outcomes and increased complexity.

While focusing the PIP Framework scope on pandemic influenza, we request that WHO sensitizes its Member States on the important link between pandemic influenza preparedness and seasonal influenza vaccine uptake.

We welcome the consultations of the WHO Secretariat with the CBD secretariat on the public health implications of the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol. Industry expresses its interest in being involved in workshops on the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol to ensure it supports and does not undermine public health. In the meantime, we encourage WHO to support calls for elevating both the PIP Framework and the GISRS mechanism to the status of international instruments.
