and Business Integrity
Code eLearning Tool
Code eLearning Tool
IFPMA 2019 Code of Practice in action. New eLearning Tool for the 2019 Code of Practice!
The online course is useful for employees and contractors of pharmaceutical companies, but we also encourage healthcare professionals, patients, as well as any interested members of the general public to take the course to become more aware of our ethical standards.

IFPMA’s Code of Practice exists to help IFPMA members meet the standards society expects of the biopharmaceutical industry. Over time, the Code has evolved as these expectations have increased and today, together with the IFPMA Ethos, the Code promotes a culture grounded on values and principles and decisions-based good judgement.
The IFPMA Code of Practice eLearning has been created to help IFPMA members get up to speed on what has changed in the Code, and to consider how the Code can help them make good decisions in their working lives.
The eLearning is flexible – those who are new to IFPMA can work through the entire course and take the quiz to validate their understanding, while learners with more experience are free to go directly to the topics where they need a refresher.
The course features high impact animation sequences to explain the Code and the Ethos. It also includes scenario driven sequences where learners explore real world situations and must draw on the Code to make the right decisions. Interactive exercises and questions help learners consolidate their knowledge.
Gamification is used to increase learner motivation and engagement – for each correct answer, a Trust token is earned. Learners who complete the quiz receive a Certificate of Achievement.
Finally, the course provides suggestions to help learners link their learning to the world of work, encouraging them to consult and use the Code in their future practice.
Start Code of Practice eLearning here: https://learn.ifpma.org/
IFPMA advises that additional national or company requirements may exist, over and above those set out in this course.
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