Tag: COVID-19

IFPMA COVID-19 Innovation Timeline
Pharma analysis of lessons learned from COVID-19 pandemic informs and offers shared solutions to consolidate innovation successes and improve equitable access for future pandemic response
COVID-19 vaccines and treatments output continues apace; as health systems and last mile hurdles remain collective stumbling blocks
Joint Guidance on Virtual and Hybrid International Medical Congresses
Global biopharmaceutical industry early response to Omicron
As COVID-19 vaccine output estimated to reach over 12 billion by year end and 24 billion by mid-2022, innovative vaccine manufacturers renew commitment to support G20 efforts to address remaining barriers to equitable access
Momentum of COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing scale up sufficient for step change in distribution
IFPMA Statement at the 11th APEC High-level Meeting on Health and the Economy - Session title: Incorporating Health Equity into Trade and Supply Chains for Vaccines and Medical Products
IFPMA Statement at the 71st session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa: Special Event on the COVID-19 Response in the WHO AFRO Region
IFPMA Statement at WTO-WHO High Level Dialogue “Expanding COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacture to Promote Equitable Access” – Session title: Looking ahead
COVAX launches Marketplace to match buyers and sellers of critical manufacturing suppliers and speed up global access to COVID-19 vaccines through COVAX
ACT-Accelerator 1-Year Anniversary: the biopharmaceutical industry is committed to continue to play a critical role across ACT-A and accelerate equitable and fair access to COVID-19 tools
BIO-DCVMN-IFPMA COVID-19 Press Briefing - 23 April 2021 (Video)
COVID-19 vaccine industry cautions immediate action needed to remove manufacturing supply barriers to meet production targets and keep on course to equitable and fair access to COVID-19 vaccines
IFPMA statement at WTO event “COVID-19 and Vaccine Equity: What can the WTO Contribute”
Pharma delivers COVID-19 solutions, but calls for the dilution of intellectual property rights are counterproductive
Innovative and generic & biosimilar pharmaceutical industries unite on commitment to equitable access to COVID-19 medicines and vaccines, while flagging where further help is needed from others
IFPMA/IGBA “Considerations on equitable access to COVID-19 medicines and vaccines”
IFPMA statement on “Intellectual Property and COVID-19”
IFPMA Statement for the Special session of the Executive Board on implementation of Resolution WHA73.1
5 lessons as COVID-19 unfolds for future pandemics – Insights from the biopharmaceutical industry
WHO PAHO 72nd Regional Committee: COVID-19 Pandemic in the Region of the Americas
Innovative health industries united in welcoming UNGA Resolution on “Comprehensive and Coordinated Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic”
Innovative vaccine and medicine industry applaud country commitments to COVAX Facility
IFPMA Statement on the G-FINDER Report “Landscape of Emerging Infectious Disease R&D: Preventing the Next Pandemic”
Thomas Cueni at the New World Model Virtual Event 2020 organized by WFZO
IFPMA Statement to G20 Health and Finance Ministers
Safety of vaccinated individuals is the top priority in development of COVID-19 vaccines
WHO EURO 70th Regional Committe: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic and lessons learned
Global Biopharma CEO/Top Executives COVID-19 Media Briefing – COVID-19 therapeutics-3 September 2020 (Video)

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Access Access to antiretrovirals Access to Medicines Access to vaccines Africa AMR AMR Industry Alliance Anti-Counterfeit Antibiotics antimicrobial resistance antivirals Biosimilars Biotherapeutic Medicines Biotherapeutics Cancer Clinical Trials Code of Practice collaboration Counterfeit Medicines Counterfeits COVID-19 COVID-19 vaccines Dementia Developing World Diabetes Economic footprint Epidemics Ethics Event Highlights Fake Medicines Fakes Falsified Medicines Fight the Fakes Flu Global Health global health security harmonization Health Health Partnerships HIV/AIDS IFPMA IFPMA Assembly IFPMA Statement Immunization Incremental Innovation Influenza Infographic Infographics Innovation Innovation ecosystem Intellectual Property IP Malaria MDGs Medicines Mental and Neurological Disorders NCDs Neglected Tropical Diseases News Releases Non-Communicable Diseases Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) NTDs pandemic Pandemic Influenza Pandemic preparedness pandemics partnership Partnerships Pharma Pharmacovigilance Position Paper Prevention Publications Public Health Quality R&D Regulatory regulatory systems Related Links Research Safety SDGs Seasonal Influenza Statements Supply chain Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable Innovation trade Treatments Tuberculosis UHC Universal Health Coverage Vaccine Vaccines Value of Innovation Videos WHA WHO WIPO Women’s Cancers