IFPMA Statement, WHA 67, Item 16.5, Combating antimicrobial resistance, including antibiotic resistance
Delivered by Mr Mario Ottiglio, Director, Global Health Policy & Public Affairs, on 24 May 2014
Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to this important discussion today. IFPMA represents leading research-based pharmaceutical companies as well as national and regional industry associations across the world.
IFPMA highly commends the WHO Secretariat for its efforts to generate momentum on a Global Action Plan to combat Anti-Microbial Resistance. IFPMA believes that a globally coordinated, multi-faceted policy approach is urgently needed to address each of the challenges contributing to resistance.
The paucity of new antibiotic approvals is the tip of the iceberg, with actions needed from basic research, pharmaceutical R&D, to regulatory requirements and to clinical use.
In order to address the scientific challenges holding back the discovery of new antibiotics, basic science in antibiotics must be stimulated. Rebuilding the drug discovery infrastructure will require sustained efforts and funding by governments, academia and industry.
IFPMA applauds the efforts made by regulatory agencies in the past years to create regulatory paths facilitating the development of novel antibiotics.
A combination of incentives, efforts to reduce the risk of developing new products and other mechanism to create market incentives, is needed. These incentives should also seek to boost investment in new diagnostic tools.
IFPMA fully supports Public-Private partnerships such as IMI in Europe and BARDA in the United States as indispensable mechanisms to help the development of new medicines. Continued support of such public-private partnerships is key to facilitate knowledge sharing and offset the challenges of clinical development.
The benefits to be gained by having a continuous pipeline of new antibiotics need to be complemented by ensuring that the medicines are prescribed appropriately and used properly.
All participants in the healthcare system have a role to play in ensuring this happens.
The IFPMA and its members companies and associations stand ready to provide expertise and to help design solutions to effectively combat anti-microbial resistance.